
List Manager Suggestions

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Edit/Export/Delete buttons 31.01.2022 15:06

I really miss this 3 buttons Edit/Export/Delete which was in LM2.7.3 version on every string of the list
It's very uncomfortable to roll page every time I need to Export to PDF or Edit when list is very big.

Re: Edit/Export/Delete buttons 01.02.2022 09:29

right, the options are now located at the toolbar, but you don't need to have them only at this position, you have several options in order to adapt the layout using the new sections editor. Now you can add these buttons at the top toolbar, and at the same time at a sidebar and/or at a bottom bar as well. If you also configure the pagination for showing a more lower number of records per page, you won't need to scroll up/down the page because all options will be at sight at the same time.
Hope this helps. Regards
Moonsoft Team
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