
List Manager Support

List Manager support
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Row count? 05.11.2014 12:51

Is it possible to show the count of the amount of tablerows?

Re: Row count? 05.11.2014 19:28

there is no toolbar for that,sorry. You would need another module able to count records from list manager database and show the result, we can think on our calcbuilder for ex. Also you can try to tweak one of the total operations within listmanager in case you have any numeric column at your table. Set the 'Total' operation to 'SUM', and enable the total row at module or menu configuration. This will show you the sum of the values, now change the operation at the source code to perform a 'count' instead. You will find

select sum(value)

about line 472 at


files. You can change it to

select count(value)

to recover the row count.

Hope this helps, regards
Moonsoft Team
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