
Calc Builder Suggestions

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Some suggestions 18.10.2011 14:21

Thank you for Calc Builder. I was recently asked to do an e-mail based order form for a website, and Calc Builder did the trick.

But of course, now that I've used it, there were some areas that might be improved in future versions:

1. Allow users to set PDF/Excel export headers, footers, and filenames as part of the Calculator or as part of the Matrix.

2. Support a textarea field for comments to be sent with the form.

3. Change form table to wrap lines within a cell to a new line (the behavior I saw was that the cells were only one line high).

4. Support logical AND/OR for conditional option lists - this can be achieved through the Linked List, but the Linked List options can become numerous if there are too many preceding conditions. For example, under Linked Lists, a list with two preceding dependencies requires creating options that cover all the combinations of the combined parent lists. It would be easier to say "if parent 1 selection = x and parent 2 selection = y then display child option z".

5. Highlighting of fields that are filled out incorrectly.

6. Custom error messages per field.

7. Ability to define a static target e-mail address for sending the output form via e-mail.

Re: Some suggestions 18.10.2011 14:22

thank you very much for your feedback. From one version to the next we are gathering all comments from users in order to build the new version improved. Some of your suggestions are already planned, and we'll study the others for next releases.
Your help is very useful to us, so again thank you for giving us your practical view.
Moonsoft Team

Re: Some suggestions 01.11.2011 12:03

How about adding new special types of fields, such as 'section' (styled) and long textareas, and including optional reset button?

Edited by anonymous - 01.11.2011 12:06
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