
Calc Builder Support

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Calculator effecting accordion menu 13.05.2013 13:16

Hi, it seems that the page where I have included the calculator is effecting the sites accordion menu on load.

In the source of the page your module seems to be loading calender and upload js files, can these be removed somehow to speed up the page load?

site is


Re: Calculator effecting accordion menu 13.05.2013 13:29


Javascript is loaded in the top of JOOMLA/modules/mod_calcbuilder/tmpl/user.php file. You can delete or comment(//) lines where Calcbuilder loads javascript files (lines 31-35).
You won´t see Calendar as part of Calcbuilder Javascript because is part of Joomla core.

We recommend to make a backup before changing anything in code.

Hope this helps. Regards,
Moonsoft Team

Re: Calculator effecting accordion menu 13.05.2013 15:01


Ive commented out the upload files, but still struggling with this calender business.

when I remove the {loadposition calc} from the article and look at the page source the calender scripts are not loaded. When I place the code back in the article to load the calculator it loads them

Why would this be?

Re: Calculator effecting accordion menu 13.05.2013 15:39


If you have installed in your site Calcbuilder 2.1.5 or lower, maybe you should comment or delete the following line:


on the same file.

If you have 2.1.6 version, maybe your template is adding Calendar javascript and css files.

Moonsoft Team

Re: Calculator effecting accordion menu 13.05.2013 15:56

Thanks...that got rid of that code.

I still have the problem with the calulator effecting the menu though :(

When the page loads I can see the calculator expand for a second which is exactly what its doing to the menu as well...

Re: Calculator effecting accordion menu 17.05.2013 12:05

hi..any tips for this please?

Re: Calculator effecting accordion menu 17.05.2013 13:00


Sorry for delay. Calcbuilder doesn´t affect your menu directly. Your menu works exactly in the same way in other pages, hides menu subitems only when page has finished loading.
The difference between this page and the others is that it includes more content, so it takes more time to load.

Moonsoft Team
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