Once you have available your database tables, you can link your new tables (or previously existing ones) to lists ready to be shown and managed from the front-end. Click 'New' to manage a database table with this list, typing its name and choosing one database table.

Click 'Save' and you will be able to access 'Fields' and 'Config' menu buttons.


Here you can configure the options for the front-end management of your fields.
- Type a 'frontend name' for each column that will be used as the title of the field.
- Choose a edit type among the set of types available to configure the input field: - Choose if that field will be included at the input form, and its default value.
- Show/hide columns using the 'visible?' parameter, and add a custom css class to style them as needed.
- Show/hide the option to order the table using each colum header.
- Set if the column will be included when export option is used with the 'exportable?' switch.
- Include a filter for the column setting one of the filter types available:
Also you can set a different order of the columns from default used at database using the arrows next to each row.
In case you introduce any change at your db table after you have saved the table manager mapping, you can refresh the columns using the 'reload' icon from the menu toolbar.
Once the table link is created you can select any of your lists and access the data manager from your backend.

you will see the table content, together with search, order and pagination functions. You can add, edit or delete records from the table using the menu options.