
Access configuration to manage general settings of the list

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Configuration option will allow you to configure general parameters over several tabs:

Main config
- Save historic access: Enables/disables the saving of the user actions over your list that you could check afterwards using 'historic access' option.
- Time or registers to preserve from delete: Historic data can contain a huge amount of information after some time, with this setting you will configure how many actions/time you want to keep. You can select the number of records, or the number of weeks/months/years to preserve (always more recent actions will be available).
- Rate limit: This setting is related to 'Rating/Vote' field type. It will limit votes to ensure each record is only voted once per each joomla user or ip (as selected).

PDF config
This tab configures the general settings for exported pdf or csv files
- PDF orientation: You can choose between 'portrait' or 'landscape' orientation. - HTML before list: You can add any html to your document using the editor. It will be placed at the beginning of the file, before the main list being exported.
- HTML after list: You can add any html to your document using the editor. It will be placed at the end of the file, after the main list being exported.

Front view config
- Default list order by: You can add here one or several fields of your list, and select its order (ascendant/descendant). This will set the default order for initial view of your data records.
- Select show type: The main list layout can be shown as a default table ('List table'), or as a card list ('Card'/'Shop'). 'Shop' is a card layout including the 'buy now button' in case you have that field configured for your list.
- Number of cards: For card/shop types, here you choose how many cards will be shown per row.
- Card height: Deprecated, kept only for compatibility reasons, doesn't apply at new versions
- Card label css: Configures the class name of the label text which is shown inside the card.
- Card value css: Configures the class name of the value text which is shown inside the card.
- Show form in modal box?: Select YES/NO to show the 'add new record/edit' form as a popup or at the top of your list.
- Show detail in row click: In addition to 'detail' icon at the record option column, you can enable the detail display on click event at any cell of the row.
- Detail view mode: Configures if the detail form will be shown inside popup, at the same page, or it will open a new page.
- Search and text filter type: 'Whole' will search records using all the text introduced, 'split words' will launch the search with each of the words typed. This list setting will be combined with each column filter type (broad/exact), please check field configuration section for details.
- Hide records on first load: Enable to hide list content until any search is performed.
- Tool column position: Configures the position of the tool column (the one containing edit/delete/detail icons). Set 0 to choose the latest position, or any other number 1,2..in order to set an specific column position.
- Tool column name: Label text for the header of the tools column .
- Database date format: Configure the date format to be used to store date fields at the database, for example yy-mm-dd. Click 'date format info' to display a popup with further information about valid date formats.
- Date format: Configure the date format to be used to show date fields at the list, for example yy-mm-dd. This format can be different from the previous one configured to store data. Click 'date format info' to display a popup with further information about valid date formats.
- Number format: Configure the decimal and thousand separators being used for formatting numbers at your location.

Show/hide front sections
These settings allow you to hide/show different sections at the front-end:
- Toolbar (Search, Add, Show, Paging options)
- Filter - Bottom bar ( Export PDF, Excel, email..options)

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